Creating Memorable Christmas Programming for Families

During the Christmas season, it’s natural for families to look for something fun to do together. You can probably think back to your childhood and cherished memories that you made with your own family and friends. Maybe you went to a tree lighting downtown . . . took a drive around the neighborhood to look at lights and decorations . . .  or visited a live nativity scene on the church lawn.

Christmas is a time of year when parents already want something fun to do with their kids (especially something free!). That’s why a family experience is an incredible opportunity to create something FOR them. When you bring parents and kids together, you can focus everyone’s attention on the real reason for the season—the birth of God’s Son.

Our Jingle Jam Family Experience (FX) event is designed to do just that. This is a FREE event that you can host in your church building or in the community. As we like to say, it’s a Christmas celebration big enough for the whole family!

So . . . why is a family experience (XP) a great addition to your Christmas programming? Well, here are just a few reasons.

1. It’s about Jesus.

For all families—not just “church families”—Christmas is a fun and festive time of year. Of course, most holiday events in the community are heavy on the fun and joy of the season. But it’s rare to find a family event that focuses on the birth of Jesus, our Savior. Parents and caregivers are looking for what YOU have to offer!

2. It’s FUN!

We tend to underestimate this one, don’t we? But the truth is, kids speak the language of fun. That’s what motivates them at this age. And what motivates parents? Seeing their KIDS lighting up and having fun.

3. It’s strategic.

Remember, families actually want something to do together during the holiday season!

Let’s be honest; we spend a lot of time as church leaders trying to convince parents to prioritize things that we feel are important for them to do. If you ask parents, they’d probably say that those things are important too. But parents are busy. They have intense demands for their time, energy, and attention. So why not come alongside them and provide an event that’s already something they want for themselves?

At Orange, all of our “Jam” FX events are designed to leverage times throughout the year when families are looking for something fun to do together:

These Jam events fit into the natural rhythm of a family’s wants and needs . . . so it’s easy to invite them to come join the fun!

4. It bridges the gap with parents.

If you’re a KidMin leader, you’ve probably thought…

Why don’t parents care more about what their kids are learning at church?

Meanwhile, all parents have probably thought . . .

Why can’t my child TELL me anything they’ve learned at church?

Perhaps the best part about Jingle Jam is that it bridges the gap between the church and the family. 

This event brings the teaching content from Sundays front and center for everyone to experience together. Parents don’t have to wonder what their kids are learning in your children’s environment. They can participate in your world, even if just for an hour . . . and it’s a great chance for you to highlight the programs and resources you’ve created for them.

5. It connects with curriculum.

Jingle Jam has the same theme as 252 Kids and Preteen curriculum:

Christmas Playlist: Let Heaven and nature sing

That means you can use the same artwork and branding . . . the same teaching points . . . and the same focus: celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift.

6. It sets parents up to win.

One of the best gifts you can give parents and caregivers is common language that they can use to discuss big topics. Many parents would love to talk with their kids about God’s gift of Jesus—or about faith in general—but they’re not sure where to start. A shared family event tees families up to continue these important conversations after the event is over.

7. It unifies your church.

Many churches have just one or two times a year when all departments come together and mobilize volunteers toward a common goal. (VBS is a common example.)

Shared family experiences provide valuable opportunities for church staff and volunteers to serve together—this time, with parents in the room!

8. It’s great for visitors.

A family experience can be an easy on-ramp for people in your community to give your church a try. Many parents who are outside the church would say that they want their kids to grow up learning about God or learning Christian principles . . . but they don’t feel confident teaching their kids themselves.

Not only that, there’s a big physical barrier in the way. People need an easy first step before they’re willing to walk into an unfamiliar environment. Some families may be hesitant to attend a Sunday service because they’re not sure what to expect. The stakes are high, especially when their kids are involved.

A fun family event like this could give them the “in” they need to see what they can expect from your environments on a regular basis.

9. The music is really good.


Seriously—check out ”Time to Jingle Jam” and our brand-new single, ”Gloria”! And don’t forget to add these songs to your own Christmas playlist.

10. It’s free.

We think it’s so important for churches to partner with parents at this time of year that we’re offering the Jingle Jam event kit for free (link here). (In fact, we do this for all of our Jam events!)

We also provide an add-on Media Package that you can purchase to enhance your production—with elements like a full Bible story video, countdown videos, dance moves and Live Lyrics videos for the songs, pre-experience quips, promotional materials . . . even ProPresenter and PowerPoint files!

11. It’s easy.

See above! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel because we’ve created the script, slides, games, music, and other materials for you. You only need a few volunteers to make this event happen, and you can use the elements from the Media Package to enhance areas where you need a little extra help.

12. You don’t have to do it alone.

We have a dedicated Facebook group for Jingle Jam 2024 where you can connect with other leaders who are putting on this event. See how other churches have accomplished logistics . . . get some inspiration for decorating . . . and get quick answers to your questions from those in the know!

BONUS: While we’re at it, here are some ideas for fun Christmas games that you can play in your church and that all ages will enjoy!

Guess the Christmas Song

Fill a stocking with pieces of paper with the names of familiar Christmas songs. One person picks a song and hums it while everyone else tries to guess what it is. See how many songs each team can guess before time runs out. Note: Check out this game in our week 1 K-5 Starter Large Group script!

Gift Wrap Dance Party

Come up with dance moves that look like the different actions involved in wrapping a gift (for example, unroll the paper, cut the paper, fold and tape, stick the bow). Meanwhile, have someone on stage getting wrapped up in wrapping paper and call out the dance moves to match each step of the wrapping process. Do the dance moves repeatedly, on the beat, while the music plays. Note: Check out this game in our week 2 K-3 Large Group script!

O Tannenbaum Toss

Bring up three kids to toss an inflatable tree as far as they can into the audience. Audience members will try to catch the tree and then hold it up in that place to mark the distance the tree was thrown. The kid who tosses the tree the farthest wins. Note: This game is from the 2024 Jingle Jam script!


Also, we’ve got to give a special shout-out to our friends at Crowd Control Games with their Christmas favorite, 1Hoof2HoofNone. This is a super-fun “all play” game in which players choose a reindeer pose for each round, but only some make it through based on which pose they chose. This game is always a hit, and you need zero supplies. (What a win!)

For more information about our curriculum offerings or how to implement Jingle Jam in your church, contact your Orange Specialist (

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas season celebrating Jesus, God’s greatest gift!

—The Orange Curriculum Team


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