Stronger Foundation, Lasting Faith
Discover the nine theological insights that inform the foundation of Orange’s curriculum.
Anchor the everyday faith of kids and teenagers to what Jesus said and did.
Matthew 22:37-40 expresses what Jesus said matters most. That’s why our goal is to help every kid and teenager keep trusting Jesus in a way that influences how they love God, others, and themselves. Rather than focus on behavior change or knowledge retention, we design every message to support lasting faith and maximum life impact.
Amplify core truths in a way that connects with every phase.
From birth through eighteen, kids are constantly changing: mentally, physically, emotionally, and relationally. That’s why our team works diligently to bring both solid theology and human development together. We know you have a limited amount of time to influence their spiritual development, so rather than helping kids learn everything that’s in the Bible, we focus on helping kids know Jesus in a way that makes them eager to keep discovering more.
Curriculum Teaching Plan and Topics
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“’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
MATTHEW 22:37-39 NIV
Nine Theological Insights
Jesus’ human life, death, and resurrection proved that He is the Messiah who the ancient Hebrew Scriptures had prophesied. Jesus leveraged His authority as God to validate Scripture as authoritative for the Christian life and faith. Jesus also predicted and authenticated the work God would do through the apostles in writing the Gospels and the New Testament. What Jesus clarified by defining the Great Commandment establishes a Scriptural priority to love God and love your neighbor.
What Jesus said and did impacts how I should respond to God’s Word in my everyday life.
Design of God’s Creation
The physical world around us implies the existence of an invisible Creator. The wonders that exist in nature and science reveal an all-powerful God who created the universe with meaning and purpose.
The Genesis story also indicates that people were elevated in Creation to both reflect the image of God and to manage a world God entrusted to their care.
What I see around me reveals a Creator who cares about me.
Jesus promised that God’s Spirit would continue to guide, comfort, teach, and transform us as humans to be more like Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we can have the confidence to know that we are never alone. God’s Spirit is always present in our lives to nudge us in the direction of thinking, serving, living, and loving like Christ. The virtues or spiritual qualities that God is cultivating in our lives as Christians include love, joy, peace, resilience, kindness, generosity, faith, humility, and self-control.
God’s Spirit is transforming my unique and imperfect life into the character of Jesus.
The essence of the Gospel message is that Jesus was God born as a human. He died for our sins, and was raised back to life. Jesus stated that He was God and that He had been given all authority over heaven and earth. Jesus also promised those who trust and follow Him will live with Him forever one day in Heaven. He claimed that He came to give us “life and life more complete.”
I believe in Jesus and will continue to trust Him even when life doesn’t make sense.
Humans were made in the image of God and therefore created with inherent value and worth. Although the image of God was distorted in all humankind as a result of sin, every human has potential to love, reason, create, dream, lead, relate, trust, believe, improve, and reflect God’s image.
I am created in the image of God and have unique potential and worth.
Scripture is clear in indicating that God loved us even though we are sinners. The story of the Bible is a narrative about God pursuing a relationship with us. God’s love for us is the reason that we are called to love each other. Jesus clarified that God’s love is also the distinctive that characterizes those who follow Him. “We love, because He first loved us.”
I live in pursuit of an infinite God who desires an eternal relationship with me.
The Gospel is good news for everyone. Understanding the healing and restorative message of Jesus for humanity should offer hope to everyone in the world. His promise offers belonging, freedom, purpose, forgiveness, and healing to anyone. We are invited to follow and trust Jesus to become a part of a spiritual movement that shares the hope of the Gospel, as we love and serve those around us.
I am designed to participate in God’s story to restore a broken and hurting world.
The Creation story reveals that humans were designed to be in a relationship with God and each other. The essence of the Gospel message is that Jesus’ sacrificial death made it possible for humans to be reconciled with God and each other. When Jesus presented the concept of the Church to His disciples, He was challenging them to reimagine a spiritual family that included every nation. Jesus also predicted that His Church would prevail throughout history and become a force to overcome evil in this world. The church is not a building where people gather, the Church is actually people who gather to worship and follow Jesus.
I choose to live in the complexities of family and community because God values them.
Jesus was fully human and fully God. He encountered the same temptations, emotions, and struggles that humans experience, and yet never sinned. His life and death indicated that God deeply cares about the pain and suffering of humanity. What Jesus did on the cross is evidence that God was willing to become human to prove He fully understands loneliness, pain, rejection, loss, trauma, guilt, injustice, and even death. God can be trusted to know what we feel, because God became one of us.
My faith in Christ is revealed by my compassion and care for others.
Grounded in the Gospel. Driven by your theology.
Learn about our theology and innovative strategy in the complete free guide
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Our church loves partnering with Orange! It’s more than just a curriculum to us, it’s a ministry philosophy that ensures that we are including the families of our church in the vital spiritual formation of their kids and teenagers.
Rob M.
I love using Orange because it considers the actual child, how they receive information, how they process it and teaches them how to take God’s word and apply it.
Mikell H.
Orange helps me partner with parents by equipping, empowering and entrusting them to continue Gospel-centered conversations at home.
Aaron C.