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5 Resources Every Parent Needs for the School Year

Want to help support the parents of the kids in your ministry? We have 5 must-have resources for parents to help them win at home!
Parent Resources

Wait…is summer over?!


Not quite, but as summer camps wind down and back-to-school signs go up, many of the families in your ministry are already beginning to think about the fall.


The beginning of a new school year can feel like a new chapter for everyone. It’s a great time to invite parents & families to reengage at your church. One way to do that is to send parent resources every parent needs as a reminder that your church is FOR them and FOR their family.


Here are a few items to help you engage with families THIS MONTH! Plus, one inexpensive idea that can help you stay engaged with parents all year long.


5 Parent Resources to Help Start the School Year


1. A FREE Cell Phone Agreement


A new school year means new devices for many kids and new (often complicated) territory for parents & families. Help them out by giving them this tool to navigate tricky conversations around technology.


2. FREE Mental Health Resources


Many parents are more concerned about their kid’s mental health now than ever. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of resources parents can access to find the support they (and their kid) may need.


3. The FREE Parent Cue App + a Free Kit to Promote App


The Parent Cue App is a great tool to help families parent smarter, not harder. Use the Parent Cue App Promo Kit to promote the app to families on social media, on your website, through email, and on the screens in your building or online programming. There are two versions of the promo kit included with this download—one in English and one in Spanish.


4. A Free Devo to Start Parents’ Year Off Right


In this printable devotion, Kristen Ivy lets readers in as she imagines a conversation about the words spoken by Jesus during His most famous sermon. What He says, what they say, what we say . . . the words reveal us in ways we wouldn’t expect.


5. One EASY Way to Give Their Kid Confidence


These downloadable PDFs can be printed on card stock and given to families in bundles. Each card gives caregivers prompts, and they can fill in each of those blanks for their kid to remind them of their value and that they believe in them.


*Bonus All-Year Resource to Help Support Parents

Okay, as promised, not-just-this-month-but-all-year-totally-awesome-thing?


Orange membership is an all-access library to resources like these and TONS more that can help you win each week. For just $20 each month you can access social media kits, family welcome kits, videos, applications and so much more.


Give it a try at OrangeMembership.com

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