Patty Chavarria Headshot

Meet Patty.

Orange Kids Specialist


What’s your ministry background?
I’ve been working with children for nearly 16 years in both education and ministry settings. When I became a Christian 10 years ago, I began serving in kids ministry shortly after and sort of fell into a leadership position. Since then, God has led me to serve in different churches and contexts as a Children’s Director.

My first Orange event in 2017 changed the way I viewed ministry and I said to myself, “one day, you’ll be working there.” And now, I get to live out my dream of being part of this amazing OS team and coming alongside leaders as they implement the Orange strategy in their local church!

Favorite Food?
Mexican! and donuts!!

Favorite Candy?
Reese’s PB cups

What’s something that you think everyone should know about you?
My love for donuts is unreal, I run on coffee and water, I have an incredibly loud laugh, and I love people!

If you could have one item that is orange colored…what would it be?
Hmm, a mug! I’m a mug hoarder and could always use a new one!

All time Favorite movie?

Favorite Hobby?
Hiking, Kayaking & Reading

Favorite song and/or artist
Taylor Swift

What’s your enneagram?
Type 2

What are you most excited about as an OS?
I’m most excited about helping leaders connect with someone who’s been there and made it through to the other side of whatever issue they face. I love going through the process of innovating and creating a win for leaders and their team!

We’re easy to reach. Schedule a time to talk or drop us an email today.