Using XP3 in a Small Church (Part 3): Partnering with Parents

By Tim Van Dalen

One of the key components of partnering with parents is connecting what happens at church to what happens at home. When we combine both of these influences the impact is always greater. If you have kids, you have probably asked them, “What did you learn at church today?” And you probably got a generic answer like, “About Jesus.” I am sure we have all been there before.

But what if we were able to help parents ask better questions?

In a small church this can be a real challenge. You probably barely have enough time to prepare for what’s happening in your ministry every week . . . not to mention all of the other responsibilities you’ve been given in your church. But this is where XP3 comes in.

XP3 provides some ready-to-go, simple ways to cue parents in to what their students are learning at church. When parents are cued, they can ask better questions and continue the conversations that began in small group, at home.

Each XP3 series includes a Parent Cue, a document that can be sent to parents when you begin each series. The Parent Cue—which has been totally reimagined and redesigned for the coming Fall 2017 season—cues parents to engage with their kid throughout the week.

The Parent Cue begins by giving parents a one-sentence overview of what their student will be hearing during each week of a series.

The Parent Cue then moves on to a Talk About This section, which prompts parents to start a conversation with their teenager in a way that connects with what they’re hearing in church.

And finally, on the back of the Parent Cue is a section called Do This. This section provides parents with four ideas—things for them to do—over the next couple of weeks to intentionally engage with their teen. The Do This section is designed to equip parents with simple ways to connect with their students and grow in their parenting skills. Here’s a glimpse at the new Parent Cue coming this Fall (front and back):


XP3 also includes tools that goes beyond just a document to email or hand to parents:

Parent Cue App

Along with new Parent Cue document, Orange just launched an all new Parent Cue app for parents (available for iOS and Android). The all new app is designed to help parents connect with their teen every week through Bible-based content from the XP3 series you’re teaching, as well as practical things to say and do with their child. The content is age-specific, based on the number of weeks a child has left until graduation.

So no matter whether your students’ parents are old school—preferring an email or printout—or new school—preferring fresh app content delivered to their devices every week—XP3 and Orange have you covered!

Social Media Plans

The Social Media Plan for Parents provides strategic communication that you can send to parents throughout the week. The plan includes ready to go Tweets, Instagram pictures, and Facebook posts. These include the bottom line for each week as well as quotes and reminders from the Parent Cue. This pointed communication encourages parents to have conversations with their students during each series.

All parents want to be better parents, and when we can implement these simple strategies, we help them do just that. There are many other ways to partner with parents as a ministry, but the done-for-you resources found in XP3 are a great place to start!

This post is part three of five in a series of posts called Using XP3 in a Small Church. Here’s what’s coming up in this series:

 width=Tim is the Family Ministry Pastor at Cocalico Community Church in Reinhold, PA. He has been working with kids-college students in various capacities for more than 15 years. Tim enjoys doing ministry alongside his wife, Jen, who oversees the Preschool environment for 3-5 year olds at CCC. They have 3 kids, Kaylee, Ashlyn & Josiah. Tim enjoys reading fiction, watching movies, soccer and the Steelers! To get in touch with Tim, connect with him on Twitter or Instagram.

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