Using the Parent Cue App in Your Small Church

We know how challenging and expensive it can be to maintain a website, let alone an app in your small church. But what if I told you the Parent Cue app made engaging with families in your church EASY?
Parent Cue App in Small Churches

My ministry career has always been in smaller churches in a mainline denomination. In a lot of those churches, our relationship with technology has been….rough. We wanted to stay relevant, we knew what we had to do to get there but no one knew how to do it. There was so much cost wrapped up in designing websites and apps that in most of my churches, it wasn’t possible. 


Not to Be a Downer . . .


Most of the time our church website was less than stellar. We paid someone to build our website but then no one updated it regularly. In fact, if I am honest, I am not sure who was supposed to keep the calendar up to date. This was just the website! Having an app for our church would have been wonderful so that families could have access to our calendar and tithing. We just didn’t have the resources to have the technology needed. Can you imagine trying to find a volunteer to keep up an app? Sometimes, in our smaller churches, technology is hard to maintain because we either don’t have skilled laborers on staff or in our pews or we don’t have the margin to recruit and empower them to serve. 


The Parent Cue App can help, but before I explain how, let’s start with what it is. 


What Does the Parent Cue App Do?


The Parent Cue app can help families in your church leverage everyday moments to build a spiritual foundation for their kids and teens. It’s a wonderful way to share bible stories at home with your kids. We all know how hard it can be to get your teenager talking about their faith but the Parent Cue app can help foster conversations. Every family can benefit from using it! 


How to Use the Parent Cue App as an Innovation Tool


In the last couple of years, our Parent Cue team has made the Parent Cue app a great resource for all kinds of churches and families. For my small church leaders, the upgrades to this app have been life-giving to our sometimes less-than-amazing church websites. 


Not only can the Parent Cue app be customized to include personal branding for your church, but it can actually do so much more. You can include your most up-to-date calendar and link to your online tithing. Your social media accounts can also be directly linked to the Parent Cue app. 


As a church leader, you are also able to see the number of families who are connecting to the app. Having that data in one place makes it very accessible! 


The best part is that you can do all of that directly from your phone. It’s incredibly easy, so you don’t have to pay or recruit someone skilled in technology to manage it. 


I know every church leader wants to increase church engagement. But not every church leader has access to the resources to do that well in our online world. But, with the Parent Cue app you can increase church engagement even with minimum resources. That means you can spend more of your energy and resources on what matters most—partnering with parents and training leaders! 


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