Six Activity Station Ideas for Your Youth Ministry Party

Let's end the summer for your youth ministry with a party! Here are some fun ideas for activity stations for your next youth ministry party. 
Activity Stations for Youth Ministry Party

As the end of summer approaches, it’s time to start thinking about your next youth ministry party! And let’s face it, what better way to end a summer-long series called Start the Party than with an actual party?


We have given you many fun ideas to set the perfect environment for an end-of-summer party that will end with a bang. However, we all know there are some students in our ministries that don’t always feel like participating in the big games. Some kids need a little break or need an environment a bit more quiet. 


The good news is that your team can easily create some fun activity stations that will engage these students! Here are some ideas for activity stations for your next youth ministry party. 


Six Activity Station Ideas for Your Next Youth Ministry Party


1. Board/Card Games


This is a quick and easy way for kids to chat and have fun together. Put out some board games like Battleship or Connect 4 for students to play. If you have tables set outside, use waterproof plastic cards so they won’t be ruined!


2. Video Games


Most kids love video games. And chances are, you probably have a TV at your church or youth room where students can play. Simply have students interested in playing video games bring their Nintendo Switch or some extra controllers. 


3. Photo Booth


This will make the party memorable for everyone! The Dollar Store has simple floaties for a pool theme and lots of other props for students to take pictures. If you don’t want to spend money, use random items and decor you already have. The students will love it!


4. Glow Bar

To add a little magic to a dance party, add some glowstick necklaces or bracelets. You can find them online or at the Dollar Store. Let the dancing commence!


5. Graffiti Bar


Another fun idea to make your party extra special is with a graffiti bar. Have everyone wear a white shirt and set up a station with markers. Students can write all over the shirts (but make sure there is an adult there to monitor appropriateness!) 


6. The Random Creation Station 


For all of your creative students, set up a random creation station with art activities and random items you may already have. You can have buckets of random things to see what your students can create. Another option is to use watercolor paint or marble art! Don’t forget to get pictures of their random creations.


This summer we hope you give your students time to celebrate big! A party is a fantastic way to do that. We hope these ideas for activity stations give your youth ministry party an extra special touch.

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