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Repurposing Your Ministry Content Online

A lot of work goes into producing creative content for your church. From graphic designers to video editors to writers, photographers, and other local artists, there’s a great deal of blood, sweat, and tears that generally only see the light of day briefly. That’s such a shame! Wouldn’t it be great if you could get more mileage out of these beautiful creations so that more people could be influenced by it? Not only for the sake of these individuals, but more importantly for the sake of a greater good!

There are a lot of ways this could play out. . . .


Think about the video pieces that play during your weekend services. What about sharing these elements online? Whether through social media, your website, or even both, there’s a whole new audience waiting to see what you have to say through video—and plenty who have already seen it who would want to re-watch it or share with their friends! Don’t forget to put your video content online.


Using photography on your website to showcase your church or on social media to promote events is very common. But what about also putting these images in your print pieces? Consider having them printed and hanging them up, or using them on billboards or other displays around your building. Make sure you are being mindful of getting appropriate permissions to use these images, but certainly make sure they are widely shared.

Blog posts

If your church isn’t blogging regularly, you are missing out on an incredible opportunity to share beautiful encouragement and challenges through the written word! You can easily take these posts and share them to social media. Pick a couple of key parts and use them as teasers on social media, linking to the blog post as a whole.

[bctt tweet=”If your church isn’t blogging regularly, you are missing out on an incredible opportunity to share beautiful encouragement and challenges through the written word!” username=”orangeleaders”]

Inversely, you can also turn a lot of spoken words during events into blog posts for your website. Sermon snippets or volunteer trainings, devotionals, or even youth services can all be translated into blog posts and even expanded upon by key leaders as a way to get more out of these talks! Any time you can take content that was given to a smaller audience and expose it to a larger audience, that’s a win!


There are plenty of good sound bites that come from video or in-person sermons. Pull these out, pair them with a beautiful graphic or piece of photography and share them on social media. Put these quotes in a prominent place on your website or printed on T-shirts or mugs for your bookstore. Make them seen and help them reach more people!

The bottom line is this: Don’t let anything go to waste! Make sure everything your church is making is getting remade and re-shared and repurposed constantly. Online content circulates through so quickly, you can always re-re-use, even! It can be a big job to keep track of everything, but think of the impact you can make.

Surely you have more ideas . . . we’d love to hear what you are successfully repurposing!


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