It can be difficult to know if you’re making a good decision in attending a conference for the first time, so we’ve gathered a few comments from some of our friends about the impact of Orange Conference. Each one has a unique story and experience with The Orange Conference.
If you’re on the fence about attending Orange Conference 2019, let these stories help you decide!
The Best Birthday Ever
“There are no words to adequately express what The Orange Conference has meant to me. I’m a volunteer in kidmin. I’ve been working with kidmin for 50 years. Right now I’m working with preschoolers. Each year, my fabulous husband gives me the gift of The Orange Conference for my birthday. It is the best gift ever because speakers inspire me to try new things, get to really know my kids and their families, and make that hour I spend with my kids the best hour of their week! Being with thousands of people who are in the trenches doing the same thing as I do is amazing! I’ve had so many wonderful conversations at Orange Conference, and friendships have developed because of the conference . . . and the worship . . . there are no words . . . and the fun and the laughter. . . . This is truly the best birthday party ever. Each year, I look forward to seeing the Orange staff who welcome me and stay connected throughout the year.
“I do love the people at Orange and their continued and genuine concern for partners in kidmin. The Orange Conference is such a gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
– Robin Quackenbush
Trying Something New
“My journey with Orange started because, after many, many years as a leader using another curriculum, I was looking for something that would actually engage our kids—and our leaders—in a more exciting and culturally relevant way. I also did not feel equipped to lead and was unable to find anything that would help me to develop my skill set. Several years ago I was teaching music at a Christian school that met in a church and I was curious about their Superhero themed Sunday School experience. Their decorations were AMAZING! I wanted to learn more and the leaders were more than happy to share their experience. Little did I know that this would be my very first exposure to this strategy called Orange.
“I was curious, and when an advertisement came across my desk for something called Orange, I was intrigued. I took advantage of the free offer to try the Orange curriculum and have never looked back! I cannot even begin to tell you how many things have changed since we became an Orange church! Our leaders and our kids are genuinely excited to be with us on Sunday mornings and we are averaging two to three new families every single week. Two and a half years ago I gave up my dream of being a bi-vocational children’s leader—okay, who really wants to be a bi-vocational anything?—and I went all-in as a pastor of children’s ministry, trusting God to take care of the details. I recently completed my Orange Leadership Training Certification and I am super excited to be an Orange Leader in New England. Through research and the Phase Project, Orange curriculum brings the best of everything to the table when it comes to reaching kids for Christ. As a newly certified Orange Leader, I finally feel equipped to lead our volunteers and our parents. This was exactly the training I was searching for!
“I cannot express my gratitude enough for all of the leaders at Orange and for God placing all of this in my path. Because of Orange, I will be continuing on in my studies in Ministerial Leadership. Orange has personally changed my life for the better as I seek to serve my God and the children and families He has placed before me. I have always desired to serve to the best of my abilities—and my abilities have been increased exponentially because of Orange.
– Pattie Lake
Inspired to Take Action
“I wanted to take the time and thank Orange and Brett Talley. As soon as the conference was over, I began being more intentional and extending myself and creating bridges to the parents of the children I work with. I am a coordinator for Fielder Church Kid’s Ministry and have a lot of Sunday school teachers in my group. Because of what I’ve learned, I’ve now asked them to make an intentional effort to get to know a new parent every Sunday.
“I also teach fourth-grade boys on Wednesday night, and it has helped me in every aspect to be a better small group leader. Lastly, I am a Director for Kid’s Hope which has me overseeing 21 Mentors of elementary-age children. I have already had six parent meetings since the conference. I thought I was doing a good job of talking to parents. I wasn’t! I needed someone to point that out to me and Brett did! I now am intentional and challenge myself to start a conversation any chance I get. I would like to thank Brett and Orange for showing me what it means to be intentional. I am in a better position than I ever could have fathomed.”
– Billy Odell
Register for Orange Conference 2019 today!
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