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Four Reasons Leaders Choose Orange Conference

Ministry leaders all over the country choose Orange Conference for an incredible experience to grow their ministries. Don't miss out!

I’ve been asked this question many times… what is it about the Orange Conference that keeps drawing thousands of leaders every year? Almost 80,000 leaders have attended Orange Conference since it started over a decade ago, and thousands more are planning to attend next April.

I’ve seen many events come and go and have their time in the spotlight. They’ve given me great memories and dozens of stories about events and tours over the years. But nothing compares to the impact and hype of Orange Conference. 

Here’s why leaders at the leading edge of ministry choose Orange Conference each spring.

Carefully crafted training.

Your mission and your time is too precious to spend on training that isn’t strategic, collaborative, or helpful to your ministry. Orange holds a high bar for every message, breakout, and experience. Every word is designed to equip, inspire, and move your ministry forward. You’ll become a better leader, and in turn you’ll help create a brighter faith and future for a generation.

Powerful community.

Content alone isn’t enough. Something powerful and lasting happens when you physically experience an “a-ha” moment with your friends…your team. Something even more impacting happens when you experience it while physically present with thousands of people who do what you do. At Orange Conference you can feel the energy that only comes from being together. It’s a sustaining force for thousands who attend every year.

One-of-a-kind experience.

Of the 78,000 leaders who’ve attended OC, many come for answers and inspiration. But they also come to see their friends from other churches. They come to be entertained. They come to have fun together. This is one of the true secrets of Orange Conference. You can’t get enough of it. It’s a place where people who care for people, can come and be cared for.

Bigger ministry impact.

Orange Conference is just three days. But the power of Orange Conference is in what happens the remaining 362 days of the year. Leaders share how 3-days of focused training brings them a deeper connection to their own purpose, a new team chemistry, practical ideas, and a notes that’ll take weeks to fully digest.

Most of all, you leave with a better understanding of the strategy where every age-group ministry leader is working together toward a common goal. 

I think these are the reasons why thousands of leaders have attended Orange Conference so far. And thousands more will attend this year. But don’t just take my word for it. You owe it to yourself to experience it for yourself. I hope you do this coming April.

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